
I believe:
-In Alignment 
-In staying TRUE TO YOUR Genius
-In trend-setting (Not Following)
-In being unapologetically you
-In Creativity and Innovation
-All womxn should have a seat at the table
-everyone has something amazing to offer the worlD even if they don't know it yet 

It is so important that you and I align on how we view business so that we can co-create something amazing together.

With more than a decade of high level sales, operations, creative strategy, idea innovation, and business experience to my name, I’ve created and innovated for a wide variety of industries—and an even wider array of clients in coaching/consulting or service-based fields. I've seen behind the curtain on big 7 & 8 figure companies, and I know what works and what doesn't when creating high end offers and that experience has allowed me to perfect the art of creating a high ticket offer.

I’m a believer in imagination, daydreaming, and creating as a form of art. Creative innovation has the power to revive the dull or stagnant, create new paths to worlds we only dreamed of, and connect individuals in many ways. It also has the ability to start, scale, or redesign your current or future business—all desirable qualities that can help you finally be the entrepreneur you envision and I can't wait to help you create that. 

My Story

My mission is to help online-based entrepreneurs create irresistible high-End offers so they can stand out in a saturated market with innovation, imagination, and ingenuity.

Work with me


Melody integrates all of your genius into a killer high end package that is so deeply invested in business strategy that it turns your audience into clients fast. Like Magic really.